Monday, April 18, 2011

It's my right as a mother!

So, it's been almost a month since I have blogged. I've missed it a little, but I don't think anyone has missed me! But I felt the urge to post tonight.

You oldest daughter, Jillian, is having her Tonsils and Adenoids removed tomorrow morning. And, well...I am nervous! But don't I have the right to be? I am her mother. Since I found out that she was going to have them out, I have received tons of support and prayers from everyone that everything will go okay. And I know it will. But I have also received comments towards me dramatizing the situation. Which I am not doing. 

For one thing, Jillian isn't keen on doctor's. My kids are rarely sick which means, we don't make visits to the doctor's office all that often. Mainly for shot updates. So, needless to say she gets a little freakish when we walk into the office. Example: Two mondays ago, when we went to our pediatrician, he wanted to do a strep test just to be sure. She saw the test kit come out and big alligator tears swelled up. She then told me after he left the room that his tried to choke her with that big Q-tip. Dramatic---YES!

Another thing, I am her mother. So, if I want to worry, I will. I will be strong for her and help her to be brave, but if I want to break down and have a good cry once she leaves the room or once she is back in the room and safe and sound, I WILL!! That's my right as a mother. If my child falls down and gets a scrape, I can react however I want. She's going into surgery tomorrow, so I can definitely seem concerned.

I appreciate the thoughts and prayers so much. I really do. But please don't judge why I handle the situation the way I do. 

Anyway, I know things will be fine tomorrow. Jillian is a trooper and I am definitely looking forward to her being back to a normal eating routine. The poor girl has lost almost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. :(  

Thanks for listening or reading or even browsing the first sentence and realizing you don't give a shit about my blog and clicking on the X to close the page! :)
