Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's like the icing on top...

A short and sweet post this evening. I wanted to share the icing on top in my life and that's my job. I absolutely love being a graphic designer. It brings not only stress and deadlines to my life but pure joy as well! It's the icing on top! 

And in class we are have been working on creating our own bitmap typeface. Here's my new font. Something I am super proud of. 

The name: WALLY

Just thought I would share my icing with you! 



  1. So cool!!! I really like it.

    So funny you post a typeface - I've been looking at typefaces for the past couple of days for my next tattoo! :)

  2. Thanks!! :) Oh, typefaces are all I look at all day everyday! So fun! What ya thinking about getting?

  3. I'm getting a quote (Trying to decide between two) in a pretty, script-like or handwritten looking typeface. I'm sure that helps you picture it, huh?! :)

  4. Uh huh, helps out a lot! That's awesome though! :)

  5. i always thought graphic design would be awesome - love it!!!
