Friday, January 21, 2011

Love is the key to this Good Life!

    I have always said that being a stay-at-home mom is not for me.  
Most days I pull my hair out, crave peace and quiet and fall down in exhaustion when the day is done. But on snow days like yesterday and today, it sure is nice to have my girls home with me. And the more I do this stay-at-home stuff, I kinda like. 

    With so many things going on in life, it's hard to slow down and appreciate the simple things. Definitely something I need to do more often. And yesterday was simply one of those moments. 

    My sister, Mandy, and I took the kids sledding yesterday to get them out of the house and to keep us from going bald before the weekend. Although, they were whiney and ungrateful about the majority of things yesterday, I knew that they would appreciate getting out and having fun in the snow. And they did! They had a blast. They talked about it all night last night and even woke me up this morning with "Mom, yesterday was so much fun!" I remember precious moments like that as a kid, and it's nice that we get to create moments like that with our kids. 

The smiles on their faces are so precious! 

    Although, most days I am stressed, exhausted, frustrated and tired of the bickering between my two girls....I am also very happy, blessed, proud and very much in love with them.  

Love is definitely the key! 


  1. You seem like such a great mom, Brynn. I, too, remember moments like that when I was a kid, so I know they're going to grow up and remember moments with their awesome mom!

  2. Aw, shucks...thanks so much! I really try to be an awesome mother. There are sometimes I really doubt myself but then my girls always pull through for me with, "I love you mom! You are the best!" and my level of confidence jumps to heaven heights! I love all those childhood memories and I can't wait to hear my children reminisce about all this fun!
